
(2/6, 2/7 追記あり)
Anonymousによる作戦 OpLastResortにまた動きがありました。昨日(2/4)に米銀行関係者ら4,600人余りの個人情報を公開したのです。

公開されたのは、住所、氏名、電話番号、ログインID、パスワードハッシュ(ソルトあり)、メールアドレス、所属、役職、などの情報です。また公開されたHTMLファイルはアラバマ州の Alabama Criminal Justice Information Centerのサイト上に置かれていました*1。このサイトにも侵入したということでしょう。なおミラーとして同じファイルが中国の地方都市のWebサイト上にもアップされています。「我々を支援している国」とか言っていますがまあこれは冗談で、このサイトにも侵入してファイルを置いたのでしょう*2


Anonymous posts over 4000 U.S. bank executive credentials | ZDNet

(2/6 追記)
Fed says internal site breached by hackers, no critical functions affected | Reuters
Federal Reserve Confirms Security Breach, Calls Anonymous Hack Claim 'Overstated'

(2/7 追記)
侵入されたサイトは Emergency Communications System (ECS)だったとのこと。以下は FRBから情報漏洩の該当者に送られたというメールからの引用。

The Federal Reserve System has learned that user contact data from its Emergency Communications System (ECS), a system used by the Federal Reserve and state banking departments to notify depository institutions of operational status in the event of natural or other disasters“ was obtained and posted on the internet by an outside group that exploited a temporary vulnerability in a vendor website product. The vulnerability was remediated quickly after discovery, and the incident did not impact any critical operations of the Federal Reserve System.

We are bringing this information to your attention because you are a registrant for ECS. Information obtained from the registrants consisted of mailing address, business phone, mobile phone, business email, and fax. Some registrants also included optional information consisting of home phone and personal email. Despite claims to the contrary, passwords were not compromised, but nonetheless, have been reset as a precautionary measure.

Anger rises as Fed confirms Anonymous hack, downplays US bank emergency system breach | ZDNet
Stolen Data Headers from the Federal Reserve Hack


