今週の気になるセキュリティニュース - Issue #152


podcast - #セキュリティのアレ - ゆるーいセキュリティのポッドキャストですよ。



(参考) 令和6年能登半島地震の偽情報関連の報道についてまとめてみた - piyolog

スペインの通信会社 Orange España の RIPE NCC アカウントが不正アクセスされ、BGP の不正な設定により通信障害が発生

(1/3) Hacker hijacks Orange Spain RIPE account to cause BGP havoc

Orange Spain suffered an internet outage today after a hacker breached the company's RIPE account to misconfigure BGP routing and an RPKI configuration.

(1/3) Infostealer infection of an Orange employee results in BGP disruptions | InfoStealers

The Orange employee had their computer infected by a Raccoon type Infostealer on September 4th 2023, and among the corporate credentials identified on the machine, the employee had specific credentials to “https://access.ripe.net” using the email address which was revealed by the threat actor (adminripe-ipnt@orange.es).

It is also worth noting that the password that was used on Orange’s RIPE administrator account was “ripeadmin” which is ridiculously weak.

(1/3) RIPE NCC Access: Security Breach Investigation — RIPE Network Coordination Centre

We are currently investigating the compromise of a RIPE NCC Access account, which resulted in some services of the account holder being temporarily impacted.

(1/4) Digging into the Orange España Hack | Kentik Blog

Orange España, Spain’s second largest mobile operator, suffered a major outage on January 3, 2024. The outage was unprecedented due to the use of RPKI, a mechanism designed to protect internet routing security, as a tool for denial of service. In this post, we dig into the outage and the unique manipulation of RPKI.

Mandiant の X アカウントが乗っ取り被害

(1/3) Mandiant’s account on X hacked to push cryptocurrency scam

The Twitter account of American cybersecurity firm and Google subsidiary Mandiant was hijacked earlier today to impersonate the Phantom crypto wallet and share a cryptocurrency scam.

(1/4) Mandiant, the security firm Google bought for $5.4 billion, gets its X account hacked | Ars Technica

Google-owned security firm Mandiant spent several hours trying to regain control of its account on X (formerly known as Twitter) on Wednesday after an unknown scammer hijacked it and used it to spread a link that attempted to steal cryptocurrency from people who clicked on it.


(1/4) <独自>「公共施設を爆破する」 全国の複数自治体に爆破予告 能登半島地震で震度5強の糸魚川市も - 産経ニュース

米司法省が 2019年に摘発した xDedic Marketplace に関与したとされる容疑者 19人を訴追

(1/4) Middle District of Florida | 19 Individuals Worldwide Charged In Transnational Cybercrime Investigation Of The xDedic Marketplace | United States Department of Justice


(1/4) 浜松市でシステムダウン、住民票など一時発行できず データベース検索で負荷か、現在は復旧|静岡新聞アットエス

(1/4) システム障害で一時証明書が発行できず ヒューマンエラーか…1日スタートの行政区再編とは無関係 浜松市中央区役所 - LOOK 静岡朝日テレビ

(1/5) 浜松市中央区役所で一時戸籍証明書など発行できず、原因はバッチ処理の不具合 | 日経クロステック(xTECH)


奇安信の Xlab が Mirai 亜種 Mirai.TBOT の活動状況について報告

(1/3) Mirai.TBOT Uncovered: Over 100 Groups and 30,000+ Infected Hosts in a big IoT Botnet

(コメント) 2023年11月に Akamai が報告した InfectedSlurs と同じボットネット


CISA が Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) カタログに 2 個の脆弱性を追加

(1/2) CISA Adds Two Known Exploited Vulnerabilities to Catalog | CISA
